This is your only warning. Heed my words. There are works of fiction on the following pages that are GRAPHIC in nature. Some of the stories depict graphic sex. These are marked with an NC-17 rating.
But be careful! Most of the stories you will find behind this wall are YAOI, SHOUNEN AI or SLASH. If you are unfamiliar with these terms, I'll explain. SLASH is a term meaning that the couple consists of two members of the same gender; i.e., the couple is made up of two males, or two females. SHOUNEN AI and YAOI are Japanese terms, indicating m/m relations. (Related is YURI, which is f/f. There is, to date, no yuri on this site.) SHOUNEN AI is, literally, "boy love", and generally consists of kissing and hand-holding, but no more. YAOI is usually the more graphic stuff. (Remember, anything with an NC-17 rating indicates there is sex.)
Now. If you are under the age of consent in your area, you'd best leave and come back when you've got a few years on you. If you are upset by the thought of two members of the same gender in love, showing love and, most importantly, making love, you'd best leave and come back when you've got a slightly more open mind. However, if this is just your cup of tea, then please do enter.