Seven Brothers
Because I am inordinately susceptible to suggestion, the
show that I watched trying to get some western feel to work on the Western Voltron fic completely ensnared me. I started watching The Magnificent Seven
television series, because it was here and the bf was watching it
anyway, and I figured, “what the hell?”
It completely backfired on me. Not only have I not
finished the Voltron Western, I’ve been writing, thinking, living, breathing The
Magnificent Seven for the past few months. (At least I’ve dragged some
people into the sandbox with me this time. *grin*)
So, yes. After my brief foray into het with Buffy, I’m heading back to my slashy roots. Of course, given the massive amount of Chris/Vin and slightly lesser amount of Chris/Buck fic, I completely fall for the pairing of Chris/Ezra. (Yes, those two pretty boys up at the top of the page.) But honestly, the kind of push-pull relationship they would likely have is what really draws me in. And at this point (September 2010), I’ve already written enough (and plan to write enough more!) that they warrant their own page.
The Magnificent Seven fictions
- Fallout
Post-Vendetta, there’s a confrontation. Slash (Chris/Ezra). PG. Episode tag; double drabble.
- Cherry, Cherry
A sweet summer-y treat; PWP in a pair of drabbles. Also? All Quill’s fault. Slash (Chris/Ezra). Strong R (non-explicitly explicit?).
- Coldwater
The folks of Coldwater think they know what’s going to happen when Chris Larabee rides in to their small town. Warning: original characters. Slash (Chris/Ezra sideways until the end). PG-13. Cursing and violence (but no worse violence than in the show).
- Talented
Chris ponders what he knows about Ezra and his talents, unexpected and not. Slash (Chris/Ezra). Strong R (adult anyway, but not quite NC-17). Nudity. Fluff (omg). Written in response to forest’s prompt of Chris/Ezra, unexpected talents.
- At Odds
Trying to keep the peace is a full-time job, even between the peacekeepers. Slash (Chris/Ezra). PG-13.
- Pax
Wakefulness and unexpected contentment on a starry night. Slash (Chris/Ezra). R (mature, but not quite to adult). Introspective!Chris. A little fluffy. *is in shock*
- Not Quite Sure
There’s lots of things in life you don’t know the answer to. But there’s some you’re about to find out. Second-person narration (in response to a prompt on my unofficial cliché bingo card - Chris/Ezra through someone else’s eyes). Slash. Gunfight-type violence.
- Saturday in Sonora
The boys cinch up their saddles and ride into Sonora, but what happens there on this particular Saturday is something no one expects. Josiah's POV. Slash (Chris/Ezra). R. Angst - let me rephrase that: ANGST. Alcohol, betrayal (not partner betrayal, but within the Seven), violence, and that other warning I always hate to give. Shoehorned into the Historical AU square on my unofficial cliché bingo card.
- ... Over Aces
After staying up too late one night, Ezra woke the next morning with an unexpected ache in his shoulders. Slash (Chris/Ezra). R (skirting the edges of Adult). This is essentially crack!fic, so be warned. Written for a prompt on my unofficial cliché bingo card.
- Four Times Chris Larabee Walked the Line (and One Time He Didn't)
Title doubles as summary. Gen and slash (Chris/Ezra). R. Angst, alcohol and non-explicit sex. Requested by forest in response to the Five Things meme I posted.
- Swimming Hole
Chris takes Ezra swimming. (No, really.) Slash (Chris/Ezra). NC-17. PWP. Inspired by chatting with forest and her descriptions of some "watering holes" near the Grand Canyon that she'd seen pictures of.
- Sins of Her Past
Maude's past comes back to haunt her most unexpectedly. Gen(ish). PG. Warnings are applicable for abandonment and related issues (always more or less implied with Maude and Ezra).
- Overcome
Nathan thinks he's reading more into Josiah's pain than there is. He's wrong. Prequel to ... Over Aces. Gen. PG. Warnings for angst and a teeny bit of h/c. Written to encourage forest to OMG RITE MOAR Chris/Ezra.
- Suffering Through Patience
Chris is an excellent distraction. Slash (Chris/Ezra). NC-17. Inspired by forest, because she made me think of the joys *ahem* of being the tie-down for Chris's holster. There's no real angst here, just Chris and Ezra being... well, Chris and Ezra.
- Between the Bars
Someone can't sleep, and someone else is sneaking into the jail in the dead of night. Slash (Chris/Ezra). R/NC-17 (Adult, anyway!). Not quite PWP, but close. Written for a prompt on my unofficial cliché bingo card, and also because I am far, far too suggestible of late.
- Nothing to the Imagination
Remember the dress? Yeah, Ezra does, too. Slash (Chris/Ezra). NC-17. Warnings for Ezra getting his kink on. Sex.
- Five Times Chris Larabee Didn't Get F*cked by the Others (and One Time He Did)
Title doubles as summary. Slash (Everybody/Chris) (No, really.). NC-17x6. Sex (no redeeming value here, folks). Inspired by Van's comment.
- Behind Their Backs
The traveling show is really an excellent diversion. Slash (Chris/Ezra). R. Written as a bribe following forest's prompt of Okay, how about C/E “making out in the movie theater” — a traveling show is in town and they attend, and begin to realize how much — and how not enough — they can get away with in a crowded room when everyone's attention is elsewhere.
- Out of the Saddle
After delivering a prisoner to another town, Chris is not best pleased when Ezra's horse goes lame on the return journey. At least, not at first, anyway. Slash (Chris/Ezra). NC-17. Written following forest's prompt of First-time ‘sharing saddles, not blankets’ fic, starting with sniping and ill-humor to disguise reactions. Warning for sex seems redundant after that, but is applicable. Also, this is the first time I've consciously written Chris and Ezra not as an established couple. O.O Also, also? I can in no way be considered a horsewoman.
- Not in the Frame
What could Ezra be waiting for? Slash (Chris/Ezra). PG. Written (belated!) for the Candy Hearts ficathon prompt RISING STAR.
- Struck in the Present
Chris is not dealing well after Serpents. Pre-slash (Chris/Ezra). Sequel to Sins of Her Past.
- Anticipation
Anticipation is a killer. Slash (Chris/Ezra). R. Written in response to forest's prompt.
- In the Morning
Silence and trust in dawn's early light. Slash (Chris/Ezra). R for nudity. Inspired by Van's comment.
- Seeking Shelter
Buck, Chris and Ezra are caught in a snowstorm on their way back to town, and have to find a place to spend the night, while somehow not freezing to death. (Oh, wait, that's the easy part.) Slash (Chris/Ezra). NC-17. Written as a reward for forest following her first Mag7 Bingo fill.
- Crossing the Rubicon
Chris is out of control. Vin knows the reason why. Slash implied (Chris/Ezra). R. Warnings include alcohol abuse, gunfight violence, blood and character death. This was originally a fill for a fic_promptly prompt, but it grew out of control.
- A Letter Home
Ezra's late night letter to Chris. Slash implied (Chris/Ezra). PG-13. Warnings include epistle format, mentions of alcohol abuse, angst and more angst. Complete mangling of Ezra-speak.
- The Game
Ezra isn't sure what game Chris is playing, but he does kind of like it. Slash (Chris/Ezra). NC-17. Another former fic promptly prompt fill that spiralled out of control.
- Hung Out to Dry
Chris doesn't have any clean shirts to wear. Time to do some washing... Slash (Chris/Ezra). NC-17. Inspired by forest's research that she shared with me one night, and her idea of Chris, which shorted out my brain when she shared that.
- In the Wake of Anticipation
Vin is feeling the tension. He's just not sure why... Slash (Chris/Ezra). R. In response to forest's prompt of the time Vin essentially told them to get a room. Companion fic to Anticipation, hence the title.
- Catwalk
There's a new cat in town. Extreme silliness, because the words weren't coming.
- Of Blood and Water
The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other’s life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof. -- Richard Bach, Illusions. Written as part of the Mag7 Daybook Secret Santa Exchange.
- Spun About
Chris can't remember what happened last night. Buck ought to know, right? Aftermath of indulgence and what passes for randi-humor. Based on the prompt specified by Mendax.
- Conclusions
Chris stepped out of the saloon, frowning at the street, full of people and none of them the one he wanted to see. He’d been expecting Vin back hours ago, and hadn’t seen hide nor hair of him. Rated strong R for nudity and surprises. WARNINGS: Pairing is a surprise, but is HET. If you have an embarrassment squick, it might be tripped.
- Meanwhile, Outside the Bath-House...
Eavesdroppers seldom hear anything good. Sequel to JoJo's awesome fic A Snug Fit. Voyeurism. Sex (but off-screen).
- Blame It on the Cuervo
Is it really all the tequila's fault? Aftermath of overindulgence, but nothing too serious. Much blame is laid upon innocent tequila. Slash. Nudity. Unrepentant silliness.
The world of the Magnificent Seven is absolutely rife with alternate universes. The boys are just so mythic that their archetypes can be plugged into all different kinds of universes, from the original Old West to the modern ATF.
So it comes as no surprise that someone would try their hand at a Steampunk alternate universe. What did come as a surprise was that it was me, at the behest of my dear friend Todesengel. She asked for Josiah as a mad scientist and the rest, as they say, is history.
Also: make sure you read the other fics in the Steampunk!verse written by Mendax and Todesengel!
- Shoveling Coal
Someone has to keep an eye on Josiah to make sure he doesn't blow up the church...
- Lightning in a Jar
There's a storm comin'.
- The day lightning struck the church
Vin can feel the storm comin'... (A fic_promptly fill that slots neatly into the Steampunk!verse.)
- Watching the Watcher
Chris and JD have a talk about Josiah making things go boom.
- Not Quite Eohippus
A bit of steampunk!silliness based on a comment that Van made to me about a piece of artwork called "The Maiden and the Mekaneko". I couldn't resist.
- The New Iron Horse
Chris often dreads what happens when Josiah's hard at work. He's not sure if this is an exception or not.
- Learning Curve
JD's starting to come into his own. (Carries on from Mendax's fic here and Todeskun's fic here.)
- Balancing Act
Josiah's eyeing his books, and that makes Nathan a little nervous.
- Indisposition
Josiah's turned his thoughts to invent something to help Buck out with a problem he'd rather not have any help with.
- The Incredible Machine
Made of blood and love and hope and lust and steam... (Or, Chris and Ezra see Buck and Josiah talking in the fic above and are... curious.) Slash. NC-17. Sexytimez.
- Science Sufficiently Advanced
Vin's not too sure he likes the direction Josiah's inventions are taking.
Honeymoon Trail
mag7daybook instituted Friday prompts, which I find nearly irresistable. During discussion one time, JoJo came out with an absolutely searingly hot ficlet, and it was just like catnip; I couldn't resist playing with the backstory. Out of that playing grew a number of fics and ficlets between the two of us. The full series includes both JoJo's fics and mine, but only mine are listed below. The numbers in parentheses indicate the position of the fic in the series.
- The Plan
Ezra has a plan, and shares it with Chris. (1)
- Building the Lie
Ezra and Chris pay a visit to a tailor to implement Ezra's plan. Surprises for Chris follow. (2)
- The Devil Comes Callin'
Vin and Nathan answer Chris's wire and are just in time to be a little too late. (4)
- Learning the Cost
Ezra's plan has led Chris down this path. (6)
- Hard to Look After
Nathan's busy just trying to keep Ezra alive, but he's got to take care of Chris, too. (8)
- Will to Live
Chris hated this. (9)
- ... Nor Iron Bars a Cage
The news is good and bad, and Chris can't help but feel a little trapped by it all. (11)
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