One girl in all the world. . .
Writing fic for BtVS was a long time coming.
To keep a long story short, let's just say that the blame
for any fic can be laid at the feet of a gorgeous blond vampire, and we'll
just leave it at that.
Further introduction/explanation/blame-laying will likely
appear later.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fictions
Buffy's in Rome. Sunnydale comes back to haunt her every night... or
does it? Post-Chosen, but we'll say that AtS season 5 never happened.
Het (Buffy/Spike). PG to (mild) PG-13. Angst.
Nominated in Round 10 at
AND in Round 11 at
Only Sometimes, Late at Night...
Sometimes, truths are hard to bear, and wishing won't change the past.
Post-Chosen, post-Not Fade Away. Het (Buffy/Spike). PG to
(mild) PG-13. Angst.
Nothing Left Behind
How to honor the fallen? Buffy and Dawn eventually discover the way.
Almost immediately post-Chosen. Het/Gen-ish (some mention of Buffy/Spike). PG. Angst.
If You Want To
Falling in love isn't always easy. Sometimes it just takes the courage
to let yourself fall. Human AU (no vampires, no Slayers). Het (Buffy/Spike).
Mild R. Fluffy. (Now there's a warning you rarely see here...)
Nothing So Soothing As a Lullaby
What was Buffy really thinking and feeling in season 7? This is my
take, inspired by "Whiskey Lullaby" by Brad Paisley and Alison Krauss.
Post-Grave through mid-AtS season 5. Het (Buffy/Spike). PG-13 to mild R.
Angst and mention of substance abuse.
Nominated in Round 7 and 8 at The Fang Fetish Awards, in Round 3 at The Spark and Burn Awards AND in Round 9 at The Lie to Me Awards.
Counting the Days
Somehow, Buffy knows that Spike is back from the beyond, but now she needs
to find him... Post-Chosen through Not Fade Away. Het (Buffy/Spike). PG-13. Angst.
What Spike finds waiting for him at the end of his earthly existence is
not what he expected. Post-Not Fade Away. Het (Buffy/Spike).
PG-13. Angst.
The Better to Ogle You, My Dear
After a late night patrol, Buffy lets Spike use the shower. She's apparently forgotten that she's living with a flock of teenage girls... Mid-season 7. Het. Comedy-ish, and not a lot in the way of plot. R. Voyeurism and nekkid!Spike. (Written for nekid_spike community on LiveJournal.)
Nominated in Round 7 at The Fang Fetish Awards AND in Round 3 at The Spark and Burn Awards
Following Through
Just what favor is Buffy asking Spike for? Het (Buffy/Spike).
Comedy/fluffy, and PWP. NC-17. (Written for nekid_spike community on LiveJournal.)
Fantasy Revisited
Buffy finally gets to see a certain little fantasy played out. Maybe. Comedy/fluffy, and not much plot to worry about. A hint of Bangel, more than a hint of Spangel and more than more than a hint of Spuffy. R. Voyeurism, Angel and nekkid!Spike. (Written for nekid_spike community on LiveJournal.)
- Spike/Buffy for 1sentence
is a community on LiveJournal wherein one claims a pairing and writes
50 sentences, each on a set of 50 themes. This is my offering that involves Spike and Buffy.
- Ten Things That Make Spike Purr
A challenge on the community nekid_spike on LJ. Definitely a solid R on this one.
- One Good Day
Once again, written for the community nekid_spike, for the monthly bad day/good day challenge. While Spike's bad day is recounted, this is very much a good day fic. Spuffy. NC-17. Angst and sex.
- Framed in Dust
How many times do I have to lose you before you can stay with me for good? Written for seasonal_spuffy Fall 2007 round. PG-13 to mild R. Angst.
- Waking Up
She could only have him when he wasn't really there. Angst, a bit of substance abuse, mention of character death (in canon and not). Other warnings may also be applicable, but damn if I can think of them now. Inspired by "Wake Up Older" by Julie Roberts. PG-13 to a mild R.
- The Echo in My Soul
I had forgotten what Christmas morning could feel like. Post-Not Fade Away. Sequel to
Counting the Days. Very much stream-of-consciousness and sap, with a little bit of angst. PG. Written for the Solstice Fic- and Art-athon on spuffy_haven.
- Season's Greetings
The perfect gift isn't the only thing to find at Christmastime, as Buffy discovers. A hint of angst. Cavities likely. PG to mild PG-13. Written for the Solstice Fic- and Art-athon on spuffy_haven.
- A Matter of...
The Powers That Be grant a boon to the Slayer in the form of a guide and three questions. What will she ask? Post-Chosen, mid-AtS s5. Angst. PG-13 (though that might be excessive).
- My Bloody Valentine
Angel isn't sure that the reality of his Valentine's Day will match up. Angel and you'll forgive me if I want to keep his Valentine a surprise. Warnings for some imagery that might possibly be disturbing, (het!) vamp!play, and er. Possibly some angst? R. (Part of the Nekid Valentine's Day Couple challenge on nekid_spike.)
- Best Place in Town
Riley Finn/Lindsey MacDonald. Imagine, if you will, that the boys met because Riley was taking his undergrad studies at the same time Lindsey went home to visit family. Slightly slashy, mostly fluffy. PG. (Part of the Nekid Valentine's Day Couple challenge on nekid_spike.)
- Not Your Average Date
Buffy likes Faith's idea of a date. Faith/Buffy = femmeslash. PWP. NC-17. (Part of the Nekid Valentine's Day Couple challenge on nekid_spike.)
- Letter to Me
The letter really was a time capsule, just like it said in the note. It just wasn't what Buffy expected. Set post-Chosen, with all that entails. Angst, mentions of character death. PG. (Finished for seasonal_spuffy, spring 2009.) Also here, showing different fonts.
- The Past is a Different Country
Buffy interrupts a ritual some demons are performing, and gets caught up in its time-travel effects. She ends up in the past, and meets a man... Spike(William)/Buffy. Angst and smut. NC-17 in full. Chapters One, Two, Three. (Written for the Fic/Art exchange on nekid_spike.)
- The Other Side
There's a universe that's parallel to ours. Who's the Slayer there? Who's the vampire that fought for their soul? And what happens when that vamp visits the one in our world? Het (Buffy/Spike, kinda sorta mostly). PG-13 to mild R. Angst. Alternate Universe. Chapters One, Two, Three. Written for xmas_n_july.
- Though I Walk Through the Valley...
The unthinkable happens, but when Spike is gone, Buffy realizes she needs him back. No matter what. Het (Spike/Buffy). PG-13 to R for possibly disturbing images and content. Angst, angst, character death and angst. Chapters One, Two, Three, Four, Five.
- Five Times Dawn Caught Buffy Kissing Spike
Title serves as summary. Het (Spike/Buffy). PG-13ish. Written for a Five Things meme I posted.
In November 2007, the nekid_spike community had a fun little idea, wherein Spike sent out a meme to everyone on his email list. Members of the comm replied to the meme as various characters (and there could be more than one person as each character). So I signed up for Buffy (natch) and Tara.
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