The obligatory updates page. Newest first. I hope.
Many fics uploaded and linked on the The Magnificent Seven page. It was just ever so much easier to link them, seeing as many of them were on AO3 already. The rest of the links are to my DW.
Another eleven (yes, really) fics uploaded and linked on the The Magnificent Seven page. We're gonna be in the Old West for a while, folks.
Eleven (yes, eleven!) fics uploaded and linked on the The Magnificent Seven page. (I also updated my Cliche Bingo grid; one more fic is linked there.) Also two fics each for the Buffy and Voltron pages.
Two more fics uploaded; they can be found on the The Magnificent Seven page. (I also updated my Cliche Bingo grid; two fics are also linked there.)
So, since June, I've fallen totally and completely in love with another fandom, enough so that I've pre-emptively created a page for the fic to live on. So there's the seven new fics and ficlets on the page for The Magnificent Seven television series. So many pretty men, so much slash to write, so little brain left over from drooling to write it. (Yes, I am very much enjoying my time in this fandom. *glee*)
Lessee... 12 plus 10 is... 22! So I uploaded 22 fics and a new page for them to be on. These are my "year o' fic" ficlets and drabble collections from the livelongnmarry auctions on LJ. Find 'em all on this page.
I discovered recently that the links I had on the Voltron page didn't match up with the actual file names. O_o So I have tried to remedy that error, and in so doing, discovered that I've managed to both upload fic files that haven't been linked, AND not upload fic files that were linked. *facepalm* I am suitably ashamed. The ones that I've noticed have been fixed. However, I haven't done a full-scale check, so things may still be awry. Please leave a note on my LJ if you notice anything else out of place. Pretty please?
Welcome, Tripod. Hopefully, everything is as it should be. I've uploaded a couple of new things on the Buffy page, but other than that and a couple of new banners on the Links page (and no, I haven't weeded out the dead links yet), everything should be good. Please to let me know if it's not!
Farewell, GeoCities. I didn't update you as much as I ought to (I mean, really. A year between updates? That is bad). But now, I have a new site to not update! All future visitors should go to my new home, or save it in their bookmarks or whatnot. There's nothing there yet, but there will be as soon as I'm done making it pretty. Or, well, you know. There.
But boy, will I be upset if Tripod goes the way of GeoCities...
Just one quick update that took me the better part of 8 hours to compile. Yes, I've updated the Drabbles page. Again. In that lengthy process, I discovered that there were several drabbles for my latest rendition of the drabble meme that had not gotten included (in the last several updates *insert WTF moment here*). They are included now, as are my offerings for the LJ community carrot_and_fic.
One fic only, as I've not yet decided if I'm classifying the things I wrote at Minicon as ficlets or fics, and therefore dithering about where to put them. So. Buffy fic (natch). On the Buffy page, 1 new fic, called "A Matter of..." as well as (omgomgomg!) the award I have recently received.
It's time-consuming, but worth it. (It took about 4 hours all told, I think.) I updated the Assemblage of Drabbles. It now includes a bunch more meme, ficlet-y and drabble-y things, from July '07 onwards. Enjoy!
Another update, this one very specific to Buffy. Three recent fics uploaded to the Buffy page, two of which were written for the Solstice Fic- and Art-athon on spuffy_haven on LJ. Enjoy!
Wow. An upload-o-rama. I've been shamefully neglecting to upload fic (except for the fact I've kept up marginally well with Buffy-fic *woe and shame*). So, there are 2 new items on the Lord of the Rings page, 3 new items (only 1 of which is a true fic, however) on the Buffy page, and 5 (count 'em, 5!) new items on the Voltron page.
Yeah. Let's not sit on things for so long next time, shall we?
And yet still more fic for Buffy. On the Buffy page, please to find three new fics, because damn, I was inspired. There is no end to the bunnies.
In addition, I've had the very great honor of having some of my Buffy fics be nominated for awards on various sites. These nominations are now linked on the Buffy page. *squee!!*
Buffy, Buffy, Buffy! On the Buffy page, please find more angst, mixed with a bit of fluff, called "Rewards". And, as if that wasn't enough, the bunnies continue to breed.
And yet more fic for Buffy. On the Buffy page, please find another angsty piece called "Counting the Days". *looks fiercely at plotbunnies* Enough is becoming enough...
Still another fic for Buffy. On the Buffy page, please to find an angst-ridden piece called "Nothing So Soothing As a Lullaby". The bunnies, they mock me.
And yet another fic for Buffy. On the new Buffy page, there's something sweet and fluffy, called "If You Want To". I'm beginning to think that the bunnies aren't going to stop any time soon.
Another fic for Buffy. I think it's a trend. *grin* On the Fanfic page, you'll find another angst-fest, called "Nothing left Behind". And the bunnies keep on breeding.
Embarking on a new fandom, or at least, the posting of fic for a new fandom. On the Fanfic page, please find 2 fics for Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Eventually, BtVS is going to merit its own page, if all the plot bunnies nibbling at my ankles are any indication. *grin*
I could have sworn I'd updated since the date below.
*sigh* Oh, well, I guess I haven't. Four Five pages
have been updated with new fics--the basic Fanfic page, the Drabbles page and
LotR and
pages. It may be that there are some things that
were posted to LJ that have not yet made the transition here. If that's the
case, please let me know soonest, yes?
I've been busy, especially the past couple of weeks. Updated the FLoD--added 3 new things but only took away 2 completed things *sweatdrop*. Added two new Gatchaman fics to the Gatch page. During the course of 2 months, I wrote 6 fics in one fandom (and a new fandom at that!), so I decided that they warranted their own page. Hence, the Lord of the Rings page was created. Eventually (I keep saying this, don't I?), I'll spiff it up with some pictures or something. Really.
Everything above has been posted to LJ. Also, collab fic! Did a silly LotR collab with JoAnn, and (finally!) edited a serious collab with Quill. These, however, have not yet been uploaded. When they are, they will appear on the Guest page.
Another monstrous update. 5 Voltron fics uploaded (all of which had been published in my LJ at some point or another), which can be found on the Voltron fic page. 4 Gatchaman fics uploaded, at which point I decided I had enough of them to warrant their own fic page. Also, 2 gift stories uploaded, from Quill, for my birthday and Xmas pressies. These gorgeous pieces can be found on the Guests page.
I've got to remember to update more often.
Whoa, Nelly. Fairly big update, because I've been quite shamefully neglecting to do it. Uploaded 3 Gatch fics, 2 Eerie Queerie ficlets, 4 collab fics (2 with Quill, 2 with JoAnn) and Quill's birthday present for me. Collabs are on the Guests page, while all the other fics are on the Fanfiction page.
Uploaded 2 Voltron stories, recently posted on my lj- "Talk" and "Man of the House"; both under fics on the Voltron fic page.
Uploaded another Voltron story; "Poison", written in honor of Spubba and forest's b-day. (Why do I keep on writing angsty and unhappy fics for people I like? Riddle me that.) On the Voltron fics page under fics.
Uploaded 2 stories on Sunday, both on the Voltron fics page. Both were gifts for Quill at some point. (Because I wrote one of them in late July, and am only now getting around to posting . . . But in my defense, though I knew she liked it, she never asked me when I was posting it. I may post it to vying, but for now it can stay here . . .) One is under songfics, one is under fics.
Uploaded many, many pages, and did it many, many times. Some were not as well proofed as they ought to have been. *fumes at self*
In any case. We now have the spiffy frames version and the nice but not quite so spiffy non-frames version. Everything else should be essentially the same. Enjoy!